Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Bart and Lana

What a fun treat this has been! This experience has taught me so much. I want to thank Calvin Hill of Reflections by the Hill Photography for allowing me to borrow one of his lenses. I also want to thank Todd Owens of Todd Owens Photography for lending me his speedlight and for teaching me some more about editing. The first 8 images are Todd's edited work. And now that my Academy Award speech is concluded, here are the photos!

Isn't she stunning?

I just had to put this one up...just to give you a taste of Lana's personality. Love her!

I love this shot! This is Lana's son...well, his boots. He couldn't wait to get more comfortable. And what can I say, I am a sucker for boots.

Happy ever after!


  1. Those are some great moments you captured. Love that first shot.

  2. great shots becke'. i am so proud of you!
